Image credit: Burger King Corporation
What’s so special about Burger King’s new logo? And what’s it got to do with you? Well it might not feel like the perfect time to work on your brand, but a refresh might be exactly what you need. Maybe a new website is exactly what you need to make 2021 your best year yet. Who knows?
Stop! It’s 2021 and Burger King Unveiled a New Logo
Has the world gone crazy? We’re still in lockdown. Half of the country is covered in snow. And our homes have morphed into hybrid offices, gyms and living spaces. Yet, all we are seeing is stories about Burger King’s new logo.
Maybe, people are looking to the future with a glimmer of hope that one day soon they’ll be able to wrap their fingers around a Whopper in the comfort of a Burger King booth. Maybe, it’s just something to talk about that isn’t doom and gloom.
Or maybe, just maybe, everyone is getting their own piece of content out there to try and benefit from the traction that Burger King’s new logo is getting on social media.
(You may as well follow us on LinkedIn while you’re here)
Either way, it’s big news when an internationally recognised company updates their logo.
3 Things we Love About Burger King’s Rebrand
It’s not a bad logo. To be honest, there’s nothing to dislike about it. But while we’re here we may as well give you a little bit of insight.
1. Nostalgic
We love the touch of nostalgia. Burger King’s new logo is a throwback to the pre-2000 logo. It’s a nice design so why shouldn’t they reuse it. We know 2020 wasn’t great, but did they really have to throw away the entire century? Just kidding – of course they did.
2. Artsy Font
We love the font. Admit it. That ‘G’ is pretty impressive. And it kind of reminds us of ketchup.
If you’re considering a rebrand or need some design work doing for your business, don’t underestimate the font choice!
Yes, we love Burger King’s new logo, but would we love that font all over our website – no. People hire graphic designers because they have the magical ability to stop before it all gets too much.
3. Simplicity
In all our years of designing and building websites, we’ve never come across a situation where the most complicated solution works best. Never. And the same can be said for graphic design.
Your logo has an important job. It has to tell your potential customers who you are. And there isn’t a lot of space to do it. We think Burger King’s new logo does that pretty well, don’t you?
Is it Time to Consider a Rebrand?
There are two types of business owners. The type that love branding. And the type that hate it. Which type are you?
Whether you love or hate branding, you understand that it’s an important element of your business. Your brand is what customers and clients relate to. It’s your business personality and more.
That’s what Burger King’s new logo is all about. Their personality.
Most obviously, they are a burger chain. It says so in their name, but just in case you missed it they’ve stuck it in a burger bun for you.
They’re a fast food restaurant – how can you tell? The colour red is generally associated with a ‘buy now’ response, a lot of fast food chains use it in their branding. It’s because we’re so used to fast food chains using red, that we automatically connect the dots.
Finally, they’re easy-going. They’ll look after you and it won’t be a difficult process. That’s the beauty of simplicity.
We got all of that, just from Burger King’s new logo. As you know, your brand is everywhere. It’s your website design. It’s your social media. Even your email footers give clues about your brand. So what does your branding say about you?
What Does Your Branding Say About You?
That’s the million dollar question. From an agency perspective, we’re used to analysing every detail of your business to create an immersive, branded website that tells users who you are. But by no means is it easy.
If you wrote the content for the ‘about us’ page on your website you’ll know what we mean. Explaining everything about your business in a couple of sentences is hard.
Your website is your first opportunity to tell your next customer who you are. So what does it say about you? Does it say you’re a reliable, trustworthy company? Is the user experience designed to make working with you easy?
These are all things that we at Digital Storm take into consideration when developing a new website. We design a site that looks like your brand. We make it engaging, easy to navigate and great-looking. So why is now the perfect time to think about a refresh?
Enhance Your Digital Presence
Firstly, everyone is spending more time online. We can’t go out – remember? So eCommerce and online shopping has boomed. More and more people are making the switch to digital to keep themselves and their families safe.
Expect the Unexpected
Secondly, we believe in expecting the unexpected. Whether you’ve had a quiet year or your business saw incredible growth, nobody is expecting branding and web design off the back of the pandemic. Why do you think Burger King’s new logo was such a hit on LinkedIn?
Create News, Don’t Wait for it
Last, but not least, it gives you something to shout about. We know that businesses are going through a tough time. Marketing budgets have taken a huge hit and everyone is looking for their next break. But a new website design, complete with fresh graphic design and a dynamic logo is a great way to get your brand out there in the public eye.
So what are you waiting for? The Digital Storm team are on hand to help. We’re here. And we’re ready to make sure 2021 is another successful year for you. Why not give us a call?