The Dorset Growth Hub Launched at Lake Yard

Written by Damion Hazael

Posted on: Tuesday, May 06

DORSET’S new business support service has been launched with a mission to help recovery and boost jobs. The Dorset Growth Hub has government funding to provide grants for businesses with the potential to grow and create employment.
The launch features key priorities for the hub:

A ‘one stop shop’ based within DCCI, including a phone advice line for all businesses in the county, and ‘business navigators’ to provide initial one-to-one support.

Growth Through Investment – offering grants from £5,000 to £50,000 to Dorset SMEs that can raise match-funding, on a 3:1 basis so a £5,000 grant could be given alongside a £15,000 bank loan.

Growth Through Inception – supporting individuals thinking about a business start-up or in the early stages of starting a business.

Growth Through Innovation – grant funding for SMEs that want to commercialise a new product or service, with grants of £5,000-£10,000 to be match funded on a 1:1 basis. There would also be help connecting businesses with potential academic and commercial partners.

Growth Through Internationalisation – grant funding of £5,000-£10,000, on a 1:1 match funding basis, for businesses who want to use design to help access international markets. Manager Lucy Cooper said the hub was being funded as part of Wave 2 of the government’s City Deals programmes.

The hub brings together training provider WSX Enter-prise, DCCI, Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership and Bournemouth Borough Council with academics from Lancaster University.

Digital Storm have worked with the Dorset Growth Hub to create their brand identity and to develop the web portal

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