Ecommerce must have features for your Website

Written by Damion Hazael

Posted on: Thursday, Aug 24

There are many different features that an eCommerce website will have and will need as well as many elements that are implemented to help increase sales. These can help with the user’s experience on your site.

Easy Navigation

Users need to be able to easily find the products they are looking for with no hassle. To do this, you must have a clear path to your products, as well as an easy route to the checkout. This is usually done by showing the main categories for the products in the navigation bar. This can be expanded to a drop-down with all categories, depending on the depth and the number of products. Another way to navigate around your online store is to have filters on your product category pages. This allows the user to narrow down your products further. This type of filter is usually accompanied by a search bar. This allows the user to find exactly what they are after.

Clear Images

Users will judge both your shop and products based on the images on your website. This is how they will base their trust on you and if they should continue shopping on your website. Using clear, not pixelated images helps to show the user exactly what they will be getting. It also helps to show the products from different angles or with a model so the user can get a feel for the product. Adobe found that39% of users left a website if the image didn’t load or took too long. This shows that all product images need to be high quality but optimised for a fast loading time.

User Reviews

If users can see other truthful reviews, it can help to gain their trust. A mix of both positive and negative reviews helps the user believe that the reviews are genuine. 92% of people now read reviews when looking to purchase a product. This feature can help to increase sales. It will also get others talking about your business and its products. Reviews can also be extremely helpful for SEO Marketing (Search Engine Optimisation). By having users leave a review, it will help to regularly update your website with unique content. This is something search engines look for as it shows your content is fresh and relevant.

Related Items

You have a great opportunity to cross-sell when you show your customers products that are related to what they are buying. John Lewis experienced a27.9% increase in sales with their recommendation feature at Christmas time. You may also be familiar with Amazon’s phrase: “Customers who also bought this item also bought”. Based on an affinity analysis algorithm, you can show your customers what others also bought with their newly purchased items. These powerful recommendation tools can help dramatically increase sales.

Want to Know More?

If you are interested in finding out more about what eCommerce features can help boost your sales, please call us on 01202 298392 or email at

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