Digital Storm are extremely proud to have been working with the Bournemouth Town Centre BID to develop a series of vinyl graphics that aim to help portray Bournemouth Town Centre as a better place for visitors, locals and businesses alike.
With the unfortunate decline of the high street and other areas of Bournemouth, the BID appointed us to find a creative solution to make the empty units and shop fronts in their four quarters (areas of Bournemouth) more attractive and vibrant.
The first point of interest was the former Marks and Spencer’s building on Commercial Road, Bournemouth.
We wanted to create a concept that could adapt to each of the quarters; that showcased the work that the BID did; but more importantly portrayed Bournemouth as the best place to be, whether that’s for work or leisure.
We embarked on creating a series of window graphics using illustration as the main creative feature.
Illustration is great way to take people on a journey. The designs literally walk people through the areas of Bournemouth using illustrated scenes and characters; a family shopping, the Town Centre Rangers doing their important role and the relaxing environment that the Triangle offers.
Our aim for the illustration was to try to get across the brands purpose and values. The new bright vinyls that have recently gone up certainly achieve this!
We have worked with a Poole based printer, appointed by the Bournemouth Town Centre BID, to print the eleven large vinyl window stickers.
Watch this space for where the designs will appear next!