WordPress security updates to all of our websites

Written by Damion Hazael

Posted on: Saturday, Dec 27

In light of the latest round of attacks on the world by various organised criminal groups – often passing themselves off as politically motivated – the team @digitalstorm_uk have been working hard for the past few weeks to secure all of our clients websites with the latest security software. We are still continuing in this venture.

However, unfortunately we cannot do anything about attacks on an entire network (that links our server as well as many others to the outside internet). We often have to rely heavily on the skilled hands of our web hosts to rescue the situation for us and many others – which they did this xmas period.

Many people may have heard in the news about the outages to Xbox Live and Playstation networks which have affected thousands of people across the world connecting to these services. A group know as Lizard Squad are held responsible for the attacks. It is my belief that their attacks affected the network that not only connects these services but also our own to the internet. Their are other forces working to mitigate these attacks such as @KimDotcom, @YourAnonNews and others to take down the attackers by playing them at their own game. They seem to have achieved this goal…for now.

The attacks are all deliberate and timed events to make peoples lives and businesses suffer this festive season, for no good reason I can see other than gang related posturing.

…We will keep working to do our part to mitigate interruptions to services for our valued clients. You have our word.

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